What We Do

At Elders Choice of PA, we customize our services based on the individual needs of our clients. We make this possible by offering customized home support services in Southampton, PA, provided by well-experienced certified care professionals. They understand that each client has unique needs and ensure they deliver the services that help address them. As an agency with decades-long experience, we have helped countless families ensure that their loved ones receive the support they need daily. And trust us when we say that our passion for what we do remains as strong as the day our company culminated.

24 Hour Care

Our dedicated team provides continuous care through our 24 24-hour care service, offering assistance day and night to accommodate the unique rhythms of each client’s life. This service ensures all personal care needs are met, from medication management to companionship, maintaining a sense of normalcy and security. Care plans are personalized to include activities to promote independence and well-being every hour.

Bill Payment and Mail Assistance

Navigating financial and correspondence responsibilities is now seamless with our Bill Payment and Mail Assistance service. We take the stress out of managing finances and mail, organizing documents, and ensuring no payment or letter is overlooked. Our meticulous approach helps clients stay informed and in control of their personal affairs without the burden of paperwork.

Child Care

Providing safe and nurturing environments, our Child Care service is tailored to support the growth and well-being of children in various age groups. Experienced caregivers engage in developmental activities and ensure a structured routine that aligns with parental expectations. Each child is given individual attention to foster learning and happiness while under our care.


Through our Companions service, we offer more than just assistance; we bring friendship and emotional support into our clients’ homes. Engaging in conversation, shared activities, and building meaningful relationships are the heart of this service. Our goal is to enhance quality of life by providing a caring companion to those who may otherwise experience social isolation.

Daily Activity Planning

Customized daily schedules crafted by our Daily Activity Planning service encourage a balanced, engaging lifestyle for clients. From hobbies to social outings, our plans are designed to align with individual interests and capabilities, fostering a sense of accomplishment and joy. This service promotes cognitive stimulation and social interaction, contributing to a client’s overall health and happiness.

Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care

Our Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care service provides specialized support to navigate the complexities of memory loss, enhancing the daily life of clients. Caregivers are trained in compassionate communication and adaptive activities that offer mental stimulation and comfort. This care approach prioritizes a secure environment that respects the unique needs of each individual.

Educational Skill Development

The Educational Skill Development service is tailored to lifelong learning, helping clients acquire new knowledge or hone existing skills. Our programs are adapted to various learning styles and interests, promoting mental agility and self-confidence. Whether it’s language learning or creative arts, we facilitate growth and enrichment through education.

Errand Services

Errand Services offers invaluable assistance with everyday tasks, enabling clients to enjoy more leisure time and less stress. From grocery shopping to picking up prescriptions, we handle the to-do list efficiently and carefully. This service is designed to support independence and ensure clients have what they need without the hassle of daily chores.

Evening Care

Our Evening Care service ensures that clients have a smooth transition from day to night, offering comfort and safety during the later hours. Assistance with dinner, evening medication, and bed preparation is provided with utmost care and attention to detail. This service is reassuring for families who desire the peace of mind that their loved ones are cared for at night.

Exercise and Physical Activity

The Exercise and Physical Activity service is designed to promote health and mobility, providing personalized fitness plans tailored to each client’s abilities and goals. Our professional caregivers guide clients through exercises, ensuring they are performed safely and effectively. Regular physical activity is facilitated to enhance well-being and maintain independence.

Health Aides

Health Aides deliver professional care to assist with the medical and personal needs of our clients. They are adept at monitoring health status, providing necessary daily assistance, and ensuring clients’ well-being. This service is integral to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing medical conditions at home.

Home Managers

Our Home Managers offer an encompassing service that takes the intricacies of household management off your hands. They oversee daily operations, coordinate with other service providers, and ensure your living environment is orderly and serene. This role is pivotal in creating a harmonious home life by efficiently managing all aspects of household upkeep.


Our homemaker service is essential for clients who require assistance with day-to-day home tasks to maintain a comfortable living environment. They ensure that homes are not only tidy and well-kept but also that they feel warm and welcoming. This includes everything from cleaning to meal preparation, creating a nurturing space for clients.

House Cleaning

The House Cleaning service focuses on maintaining a pristine living environment, with attention to detail that ensures every corner shines. Our professional staff uses eco-friendly products and the latest cleaning techniques for a clean and healthy home. This service is flexible and can be scheduled as a one-time deep clean or a regular part of the client’s routine.

Hourly Care

Hourly Care services offer flexibility and support tailored to the client’s specific needs, whether for just a few hours a day or more. This customizable care option allows clients to receive assistance with personal care, activities of daily living, or companionship during selected hours. It’s ideal for families that need short-term breaks or supplemental support to their ongoing care arrangements.

Meal Preparation

Our Meal Preparation service ensures clients enjoy nutritious, home-cooked meals that cater to their dietary preferences and health requirements. Skilled caregivers handle the planning, shopping, and cooking, offering balanced meals that also cater to taste and enjoyment. This service takes the hassle out of mealtime and supports a healthy diet.

Medical Equipment Setup

Our Medical Equipment Setup service provides expert assistance in arranging and managing medical devices essential for client health. Caregivers are trained to ensure that each piece of equipment is functioning correctly and safely, offering training and support to clients and family members. This vital service brings comfort and ease, knowing that all health-related tools are properly configured and ready to use.


The Medication service is designed to ensure clients take their prescriptions accurately and on time, managing the complexities of medication adherence. Our caregivers provide reminders, organize pills, and track schedules to avoid missed doses or duplications. They also coordinate with healthcare providers to keep medication regimes up-to-date and effective.

Mobility Assistant

Mobility Assistance services support clients in maintaining their freedom of movement within and outside their homes. This service includes help with walking, transferring, and navigating space to prevent falls, promote safety, and encourage independence. Our assistants are also trained to use mobility aids effectively, enhancing the client’s ability to participate in daily life.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional Counseling offers personalized guidance on diet and wellness, creating meal plans that meet the specific health needs of each client. Our professionals work closely with clients to develop habits that support long-term health goals and preferences. This service is an investment in clients’ well-being, ensuring they receive balanced nutrition for optimal health.

Outdoor Care

Our Outdoor Care service embraces the therapeutic benefits of nature, offering activities ranging from gardening to walks in the park. These experiences not only foster physical health but also mental well-being as clients interact with the environment. This service is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life through outdoor engagement.

Overnight Care

Overnight Care provides clients with the reassurance of having professional assistance available throughout the night. Caregivers are on hand to help with restroom visits and medication management to ensure safety and comfort until morning. This service is vital for those who require support or companionship during the nighttime hours.

Pet Assistance Care

The Pet Assistance Care service recognizes the importance of pets in our clients’ lives, providing support with pet-related needs. From feeding to walks, our caregivers ensure that pets are well-cared for, maintaining the bond between client and pet. This service alleviates the worry of pet care, allowing clients to enjoy the companionship of their pets without the physical demands.

Respite Care

Post-Operative Care is tailored to aid a smooth and safe recovery following surgery or medical procedures. Our caregivers assist with medication management, wound care, and mobility, ensuring a focus on healing. This service is designed to provide comprehensive support during the critical post-operative period.

Respite Care

Respite Care offers primary caregivers a necessary pause, ensuring they can rest and recharge while their loved ones continue to receive professional care. This service provides temporary relief with the assurance that clients are in capable and compassionate hands. It’s a flexible support system, allowing for planned breaks and unexpected needs.

Safety Supervision

Safety Supervision prioritizes the well-being of clients by proactively minimizing risks within the home environment. Our vigilant caregivers conduct regular safety checks and adapt living spaces to prevent falls and accidents. They provide constant oversight to ensure clients can navigate their homes safely and confidently.

Technology Assistance

With Technology Assistance, clients receive help navigating the digital world, from setting up devices to understanding new applications. This service bridges the technology gap, allowing clients to stay connected with loved ones and enjoy the benefits of modern digital conveniences. Our patient and knowledgeable caregivers ensure clients can confidently use technology to enhance their daily lives.


Transportation services provide clients with the freedom to attend appointments and social events and run errands with ease. Dependable and safe, our transportation solutions help maintain independence and access to the community. Caregivers assist with all aspects of outings, from vehicle entry and exit to navigating to the destination.